Authority (The Authority) is a comic book superhero, created by writer Warren Ellis and artist Bryan Hitch in 1999. Published by Wildstorm - DC Comics, features the adventures of Authority, a superhero team comprising mainly on the characters created by Ellis Stormwatch (other Wildstorm series) here led to a more dark and violent. The team was created just as an offshoot of the disbanded Stormwatch, as a peacekeeping force to replace the service of the world, although in the U.S. government. But the rebellious nature of many of its components will mark the destiny and fortunes of the group, undisciplined and resolute beyond limite.Sono considerable intensity of the graphic representation of violence and the uncompromising attitudes of its protagonisti.In Italy's literature in Magic Press cure the Italian translation and adaptation of the series, published in the magazine and Wildstorm books from library.
Jack Hawksmoor
Apollo Midnighter
Apollo Midnighter
Jenny Quantum
Training original
Jenny Sparks
Apollo Midnighter
Jeroen Thorndike, alias Doctor
Angela Spica, the Second Engineer
Jack Hawksmoor
Shen Li-Min, aka Swift
Swift: "The winged huntress", aka Shen Li-Min. Also a former member of Stormwatch Black, Swift is a Chinese Tibetan who has the ability to grow wings at will and be consequently, "the fastest winged mammal on the planet." It can also get rid of the wings, which dissolve when disconnected. It was implicitly referred to a vaguely defined its ability to detect life forms.
Thumbnail of departure for the construction of the Swift Polaris Mrvel Collection of Eaglemoss distributed in Italy by Fabbri, to which I added the angel wings of the same collection, the various changes I have made with bicomponent Milliput putty.
After modeling a step coats of acrylic Vallejo light gray, correct any defects and the final color step always done with acrylics and Valleijo Citadel.
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