Apollo "The Sun King." His real name is unknown. Its characteristics clearly refer to those powers specifically Superman from the sun. He has a relationship with Midnighter, his teammate since the time of Stormwatch, with whom he married. Their report in the light of the sun and their marriage did much to discuss not only the journals, but also the media in general. This explicit representation of homosexuality is a new superhero in the field, but also targets for the obvious comparison and matching a pair 'manly' as one of two icons of DC Comics, Superman and Batman.
Thumbnail of departure for the realization of Apollo is a resin cast of Doc Samson's collection of Marvel superheroes Eaglemoss Distributed in Italy by Fabbri.
After the resin sculpted with a sharp cutter is suitable for my needs, I modeled in detail with two-component Milliput putty, then the basic step of light gray and yellow desert, do some adjustments to the arms and hands, and review the background colors.
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